Will Trump crush Pence?
resolved May 3

>50% more delegates,

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bought Ṁ2,491 YES

@Gen if you're resolving the other one... this one is the same. inactive creator, resolves YES (thanks!)

Since the creator has abandoned, I am going to clarify the resolution criteria ***based on how people are playing the market***

At this point, no one has bought a huge stock of No shares after Pence withdrew, so:

  1. If Trump gets at least 1 delegate and Pence has zero, resolves Yes

  2. If Trump gets zero delegates and Pence gets zero delegates, resolves No

  3. If Trump withdraws or whatever other thing, also resolves No

  4. If the Republican party does not assign any delegates or some unforeseen calamity occurs, resolves N/A.

I am unable to pin this comment to the top or add it to the description.

bought Ṁ0 of YES

Intersting market in light of Pence dropping out, and Gigacasting being an abandoned account.

How do people think this should resolve if Trump also gets zero delegates?

@Joshua I think the "> 50% more delegates" means a requirement of 1 delegate? 0 >= 0 \* 1.5, but not > 0 \* 1.5. So if they both get zero delegates (for whatever reason), it resolves NO.

bought Ṁ75 of YES

Resolves YES/no

bought Ṁ10 of YES
predicted YES
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