Resolves Yes if the final running duo for both parties, republicans and democrats (others excluded) include a President and Vice president that are one male and one female in 2024
Possible combinations for YES:
Cis male president, cis female vice president
Cis female president, cis male vice president
Example: Biden/Harris, Warren/Buttigieg
Resolves no if
Either party has Male/Male or Female/Female
Either party has a non-binary candidate
Either party has a trans candidate
Example: Trump/Pence, Warren/Harris
Settled after primaries and VP announcements (when I'm sure), but I reserve the right to resolve on voting day if it seems possible that the ticket will change (e.g. one of the oldies are a death risk)
If Biden runs again this is all but guaranteed for the Democrats, so the interesting question is the Republicans.
If let's say DeSantis is the candidate, he won't be running as a woke candidate, that's for sure - but he might want to temper his un-wokeness by picking a woman VP, to appeal to more women, somewhat-woke people, etc. The trouble is, if he keels over and dies due to a freak accident while President, that would put the nuclear button in the hands of a woman, and I'm not sure he wants that. I am not generally a sexist, but probably women are more inclined towards peace, and this isn't necessarily good when faced with a belligerent threat, e.g. Putin or some kind of new terrorist leader (I know, we haven't had a big terrorism problem in a while, but I don't think it's gone away completely).
@RobinGreen The current Lieutenant Governor of Florida is Jeanette Nuñez: I don't hear a lot about her, but as far as I know, she was picked as a running mate by DeSantis. So he can't have that much of a problem with putting a woman in charge of the executive branch.