Resolves YES if any of the following occur:
Destiny announces the sanctions are lifted, or that he "doesn't care" if people talk to MrGirl
Does not count if he says it while in a conversation with a streamer who recently broke sanctions (see below)
Destiny has a conversation with MORE THAN ONE other streamer within a week of them talking to MrGirl - [EDIT 28/03/2023: must be on Destiny's stream as noted below]
For example, if <STREAMER> has a voice chat or IRL discussion with MrGirl on either <STREAMER>'s stream or MrGirls stream, and then has a voice chat or IRL appearance on Destiny's stream within 168 hours of that discussion. This would count as 1/2 for this conclusion.
If conversation between destiny and <STREAMER> concludes because destiny finds out they breached sanctions, this will NOT count toward 1/2 for this conclusion.
if Destiny finds out during their conversation that they breached sanctions and continues to discuss, they will only count as 1/2 here, and not satisfy the first resolution requirement stated above. Even if he explicitly says "I don't care" in that conversation.
2 occurrences before the end date any length apart will be accepted, but there must be 2 unique streamers (group call with 10 people who all broke sanctions will count, if >1 had significant interaction with MrGirl)
Destiny has a conversation with MrGirl directly, on Destiny's stream (MrGirl's or other platforms do not count, you must hear Max speak on Destiny's stream and he remain present for at least 5 minutes)
Will resolve no if
Resolution criteria as stated above are not met by the end date
MrGirl closes all social media and disappears for >14 days
MrGirl announces retirement from online content (14 day silence/waiting period to confirm)
MrGirl says he will never speak to or about Destiny or anyone in the orbit again (3 month waiting period to confirm)
MrGirl dies
MrGirl goes to prison
MrGirl is banned from twitter and has not streamed for 14 days
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@Gen i dont even know why i voted no yesterday at 4pm. i dont remember doing it at all and i cant imagine myself ever thinking that it'd be true 😭 u dont have to refund though lol
Whick 1/2
TomFoolery 2/2
I'll give it until after I've slept if anyone wants to disagree with evidence. Seems clear enough to me though. Still confident that if anyone decides to argue these, it'll likely resolve YES regardless as Destiny has totally rejected the sanctions mindset and it seems purely incidental that they have held up this long
@johnleoks I haven’t tracked it at all this past week lol. Tom foolery will count 1/2 and so should whick if they appeared on his stream within 1 week of hosting Mrgirl. I’ll have to verify the timeline
I assume destiny has totally lost interest in “punishing” people who engage Mrgirl, but it’s hard to tell because Mrgirl is so unbelievably manic that everyone who talks to him appears to be the perfect destiny supporter so he’s eager to chat with them and accept the support
Tom Foolery on Destiny's stream right now.
Tom is also someone who interviewed Mr. Girl on stream like Whick.
@johnleoks He didn't have them on his stream, so it won't count - the main idea was always, "I won't boost you if you talk to Max" rather than not going into other streams/chats to defend himself
It does appear that he is far less concerned with the sanctions though. He has been watching people who are engaged with Max and talking with Lav/Whick etc. I'm hoping he says something about it or just hosts a big panel of people who have talked to MrGirl so it's obvious. I still believe YES is inevitable, but I am not counting toward the 2 instances required unless it's on Destiny's stream (I added an edit above where I mention it in the description, and I posted it in the second comment on this thread, but it wasn't made super clear).
@Gen gah fuck it then, you are being far to anal, I get you set rules but i can't imagine how "everyone has a clean slate" doesn't = lifted sanctions. I'll be selling its not worth the 60+ extra i'd get on resolution. To be clear I don't think you are being shady (obviously since you are Yes) i just think the rules are so ridiculously narrow.
@PhilWheatley I saw him say "I can't really enforce this" or whatever, but I haven't seen him say that he does not care if people talk to Mr Girl. If you can provide evidence that matches the criteria in the description, buy up some YES shares and post the clip here.
I would need to see him say "I don't care if people talk to Mr Girl anymore" or otherwise explicitly state that he will talk to people that talk to Mr Girl, or talk to Max himself. As I explained in a lower comment, he did talk to Lav (off stream) after she had recently appeared with Mr Girl, but he didn't host her on his stream during that window of time.
These kinds of markets are much harder to resolve now that the vault channel is down,as there is no way for me to readily search through VOD transcripts.
I've bought YES myself because I'm expecting that Destiny will talk to people who associate with Max after the release of the manifesto. e.g. Destiny doesn't engage with the manifesto directly, but responds to questions by Chud or someone, after that person talks to Mr Girl about it.
@Gen iirc he even said explicitly, "I would enforce a blacklist if I could", but that he couldn't. Not that he is okay with it
@PhilWheatley No he didn't, he said realistically he can't enforce it but at no point did he say "Yea y'all are free to collab with Mr Girl, I'm cool with that. You have my blessings, I don't care anymore".
@Gen "Destiny announces the sanctions are lifted, OR that he "doesn't care" if people talk to MrGirl" you state or in the resolution terms, so if he cant enforce them, the sanctions aren't realistically in place right? I'm also pretty sure he said he doesnt care anymore, i'll have a check through the clip channels today to see if I can get a clip.
@PhilWheatley If he doesn’t enforce them, and talks to people after they platform mrgirl (twice) then it’ll resolve YES - as specified in the description
I’m expecting they won’t be enforced (hence the YES position) but the conditions haven’t been met yet
@Gen that's reliant on people wanting to speak to Mr Girl which i'm pretty sure interest is low amongst the destiny orbiters. and that's fair, that is clearly laid out in the market description, out of interest would that be needed if I can find a clip where he says he doesn't care?
@PhilWheatley If he said he doesn’t care if people talk to mr girl, and it’s clearly indicating nobody will be kept from his stream if they do, then yeah
The original sanctions were essentially; if you talk to max about this, you can’t talk to me about it, stop platforming him, or I stop platforming you (temporarily)