Will OpenAI sanction porn on at least one of its models before 2025?
Jan 2

Open resolves YES if users can generate pornographic content on at least one of OpenAI's models, without violating OpenAI's terms of service.

  • The model should be generally available to consumers. A model that was limited to researchers, or to security experts looking to red-team their censorship would not resolve as YES.

  • Pornography can be in any medium.

  • OpenAI can still put restrictions on the type of pornography generated, or the way in which it is used. Option will still resolve YES if users can still generate some types of pornography for the purposes of consumption.

  • Could resolve YES with a new model, or a change in the TOS to an old model.

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Does erotica count as porn?

@keltan Any content meant to arouse sexual excitement, in any medium, will count as porn for the purpose of this market.

bought Ṁ300 NO

@GG that's not really a solid criteria - who decides what some content is "meant" to do?

predicts YES

What about GPT3 Raw model

predicts NO

@HanchiSun Sure. Is porn allowed on GPT3 raw?

predicts YES

Not sure...

predicts NO

@HanchiSun https://openai.com/policies/usage-policies currently bans "Adult content, adult industries, and dating apps, including:

  • Content meant to arouse sexual excitement, such as the description of sexual activity, or that promotes sexual services (excluding sex education and wellness)

  • Erotic chat

  • Pornography"

    The terms apply to "all users of OpenAI’s models, tools, and services."

    There does not appear to be an exemption for the GPT3 model.