33 year old white male. 6'2", 250 pounds. My profession is a solid middle-but-not-upper class, and my income is roughly the 85th percentile for my city. My city has less than a million but more than half a million residents. Sex ratio is closer to NYC than SF.
Willing to answer questions about my mate value in the comments but not ready to de-anonymize myself.
Counting method
Count will start from zero and iterate up for each woman I cold approach. Option will resolve when
I go on a date with a woman that I met through cold approach OR
A woman I cold approach declines my advances, but introduces me to another woman that I go on a date with
Dates with the following women will not resolve this option (because they make the challenge too easy):
Women I meet online
Women who initiate contact with me
Women that I meet from personal ads or paid matchmakers
Women I meet at speed dating or singles events
Women I meet abroad
Women that my friends or family set me up with
Women that were part of my work or social circles and got upgraded to girlfriend
Dates with the woman I am currently in a casual relationship with (I've told her I am looking at other people, and that I don't see long-term potential)
My goal is to get a girlfriend the hard way. To that end, I am delibrately choosing to avoid dating women through any of "easy" methods listed. However I cannot guarentee that I won't chicken out and settle on a woman that I met through an "easy" method.
If I do go on a date with a woman I meet through an easy method, option will remain open through through the deadline and continue to iterate upwards for each cold approach I do. Also, you will be within your rights to shame me as a pushover who can't commit to anything difficult.
If I go on a date with a woman I met through cold approach, option will resolve with however many women I cold approached while the option was active.
This option's value is capped at 99. If I make more than 99 approaches, I will try to find some way to increase the cap, else option will resolve at 99.
If after one year I have not dated any women that I met through cold approach, option with resolve as n/a.
I don't know if this counts as a cold approach, but my most successful thing is to strike up a conversation with someone by donating to charity on their behalf when they are accosted by someone asking for donations.
Admittedly this isn't as common now as it was in college, but that's what I got for ya.
@GG 29. Diagnosed with the auts a couple years ago. Started getting into Taoism a few years ago but am getting more serious now. Trauma informed therapy has been tremendously helpful.
I'm in a relationship but am poly so I'm always open to new friends and relationships so it makes being social easier. If you are single, your first goal should be to build and maintain genuine platonic friendships with women, the need for female validation is a real thing and if you only get it from a prospective partner, you are going to get your soul crushed AND scare off any women with secure attachment.
I've seen people say that men can't be friends with women. These people are shitty partners.
@GG When doing difficult challenges like this it helped me to remind myself about this idea „What you do on your bad days matters more than what you do on your good days” Good luck!
@GG haha I did so with the assumption you need to run high volume to actually land dates. Higher than 15 is a safe bet imo. Would love to be proven wrong, for your sake!
@GG Good question, I can see it in the link to this market from the front page, but not from inside the page from the market.