I will resolve this market dishonorably.
resolved Sep 11

I will resolve this market in whichever way makes me the most mana. Probably.

You could treat this as a 50/50 gambling market, since I could just buy out the market right before resolving, in whichever direction is best. But maybe I'll come up with something craftier than that. Who knows?

(Silly tone aside, I promise I'll actually resolve within a day of close, or before close, unless I'm hit by a bus or something.)

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predicted NO


predicted NO

By the end I realized that getting more people to bet was more likely to pay out than anything I could do with my own betting.

By telling us that you're going to resolve this market dishonorably, you have clearly conveyed to us your intentions, and following those stated intentions would be an honorable resolution. However, resolving this market honorably would be a violation of the title, causing it to be a dishonorable resolution. Since you can neither resolve this market honorably nor dishonorably, I conclude that it will remain unresolved forever, violating the last line of the description, which is as close to a true dishonorable resolution as it's possible for this market to get.

predicted YES

@IsaacKing But that would be really boring.

bought Ṁ5 of YES

I hope you're all having a great day, by the way.