This market explores the potential emergence of a product similar to Rabbit Technology's R1 on AliExpress for less than $50 before the end of 2024, amidst a mix of skepticism and recognition of its consumer value. The R1, a compact AI-powered device priced at $199, has piqued interest for its simplicity and user-friendly features.
While it has been touted for adding value to the consumer experience through its unique design and AI capabilities, there is a prevailing belief that its simplicity could easily be replicated by other manufacturers. Critics suggest that the R1 might be overhyped, resembling a mere API wrapper around a large language model or a modern-day Tamagotchi.
This market will resolve positively if, despite these critiques and the product's apparent value, a similar device appears on AliExpress for under $50 before 2025.
@OP A cheap phone with chatgpt voice mode, or even Gemini voice mode performe way better than r1. But the market ask about a similar product, a smartphone is not similar. If r1 idea had any merits there would be market for such devices.
Luckily I found other devices at 44 USD advertised for using chatgpt:
So resolving to YES
@FranklinBaldo I'm not sure that I can agree that can be considered "Similar" to Rabbit R1.
Rabbit R1 has display, this device has no display. If I understand correctly Rabbit R1 should be able to work without computer, Open Interpreter is the addition to the computer.
my $0.02:
The R1 is the terminal of a system - so even if a hardware with the same properties might be sold as low as 50 USD (I mean there are many similar capable internet-connected-handhelds - they all lack the support of their large-action-model. I don't foresee a chinese alibaba vendor offering this anytime soon. Huawei or similar sized OEM manufacturer might offer it - but not a random alibaba vendor.