UK General Election: Which party will win in North Northumberland?
Liberal Democrat

Thanks to @Tetraspace for sponsoring this market.

This refers to the next general election to take place electing representatives to the UK parliament.

Please submit answers in the form of a political party, not an individual. If you wish to submit an individual who will run as an independent, please submit your answer in the form: "Independent: [person's name]". If anybody submits "Independent" as an answer, it will not resolve YES, even if an independent wins.

"Labour" and "Labour and Co-operative" will be treated interchangeably.

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NoitsoldṀ8Labour YES

@Noit Just became aware that North Northumberland is on Labour’s Non Battlegrounds list, suggesting they will be minimising their efforts here. Doesn’t mean they won’t win, but makes it much less likely IMO.

Just an admin point I’d not spotted before, B-u-T will be renamed to North Northumberland at the next election so this probably wants renaming. Borders are only ever so slightly tweaked so I wouldn’t cancel this market.

This one will be one to watch, I expect a fairly close three-way race because Labour and Lib Dems both stand to take it, so I don’t expect to see either stand aside.

@Noit 2019 results were conservatives 24k, labour 9k and lib dem 7.5k - are you generally expecting conservative losses to be in that magnitude? Or is there something in particular about Berwick on Tweed? I've been vaguely assuming that any constituency where conservatives have a 30+% lead they're pretty safe, but I've not got much to back that up...

@CanlumNodel B-u-T has consistently leaned 10-15% away from Labour compared to the country as a whole, if that holds Labour continue to poll around 45% then they should see results around the 30% mark.

The place has slowly been leaning more CON and on a good night with current polling I’d expect them to get 35-40%.

LDEM is interesting as back in 2010 it leaned 20% more LDEM than the UK at large, if they could pull back to that level then they’d also potentially be hitting 30% on a good night. But they have lost ground over the last decade so that’d be an uphill struggle.

So I’d say a CON win is the most likely but it will be close and it’s going to depend on how much of a force Reform are on the night.

@Noit Good run down, thanks. I've done very few election predictions up until now; the idea of using a constituency's typical deviation from national polls is a new one to me.

Which is possibly an indicator I should be careful about putting a bunch of mana into all of these markets based on wikipedia and gut feel, but hey ho. :)