If Jeremy Corbyn stands as a non-Labour candidate in the next UK general election, who will win in his constituency?
Jeremy Corbyn
Labour Party candidate
Conservative Party candidate

This market resolves N/A if Jeremy Corbyn does not run, or if he runs as a Labour candidate.

If he registers a new party and runs for that, this market resolves to the winner (as if he'd run as an independent). The purpose of this market is "if Corbyn runs against Labour, will he win", not trying to predict how exactly he'll do his run.

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Corbyn clarification: how does this resolve if Corbyn runs for another party (especially a new one)? See this market for what Iโ€m after:

@Noit good question! In that case I'll resolve as if he'd run as an independent. I've updated the description and I'll update the title.

I'm trying to get at whether he'd beat the Labour candidate (or split the vote such that Tories win), not the details of how he'll run.