A team from which region is winning the league of legends Mid Season Invitational?
It's 1 of the 2 big international tournaments each year, less big than worlds, but still the only other big tournament for the top teams to face off internationally.
See details: https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/2024_Mid-Season_Invitational
Let me drop the maymays:
Did you know that in 2015, researchers from the Cato Institute and Fraser Institute co-published the Human Freedom Index, which establishes a measure of the state of human freedom, utilising 79 distinct indicators of personal and economic freedom. In the recent 2023 report, Switzerland, New Zealand and Denmark took the top 3 positions respectively.
However after further review, this information was found to be fraudulent in May 2024, with the hosting of the Mid-season Invitational of the popular online MOBA, League of Legends, where NA proved to surpass all other nations in being the most free.