Will the Baiji, a.k.a. Chinese River Dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer) become extinct in the current century?

The Baiji, aka Chinese River Dolphin, is a species of freshwater dolphin native to the Yangtze river system in China. It is currently listed as Critically endangered (possibly extinct) by the IUCN. This market will resolve YES if the Baiji is declared extinct by the IUCN by 2100 or earlier, and NO if it is not declared extinct by the IUCN in 2100.



IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Assessment: Critically endangered (possibly extinct):


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For comparisons with other species, you can find here more markets about species extinction risks:


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Your wording of the question is messed up. Your resolving says "is" extinct in 2100 but the title says "becomes extinct sometime before 2100"

I fully expect most things that have gone extinct recently to be come de-extinct, especially before 2100. So which is it? Extinct at all before 2100 or still extinct at 2100?

Thank for your feedback. I have updated the description for clarification, and added the IUCN categorization as criterion. The market will resolve YES, if the Baiji is declared extinct by the IUCN by 2100 or earlier. And NO if it has not been declared extinct by the IUCN by 2100. I hope this makes clear, what this market is about.

Isn't it already?

bought Ṁ5 NO

that's not what this market is about