Will GMail be able to autosuggest entire emails for me to send by mid 2024?
Jul 1
  1. I will go to gmail

  2. it will sometimes or on command be able to "suggest" sending certain emails

  3. for example, a message asking me "what is the website for your scifi reading group?" is sitting unanswered after a day

    1. it might draft a reply "Hi! The website is at http://sfsfss.com! Our next meeting is January 2, 2024, and we'll be reading ~~~. Would love to see you there! Join the discord at https://discord.gg/FXeA3Q4QXc to get more details and the address! Thanks, Ernie

EDIT, 2023.12.14 Thanks Sundry

These do not count since they are

1) not specific

2) horrible as emails since they autosend, can't be fixed, and are obviously not personal

The requirement of this market, based on the example, is that they be some kind of realistic attempt to write an email to the person, AND they use some kind of information about you (if only from the message thread they're in, not further than that) to help write the text.

========= END EDIT

Even with a worse suggested email, any way it does this counts as YES. It has to actually create the draft or let me get to it in one-click.

If, when I click "reply" or something like that, it only THEN autofills a lot of the email, it doesn't count.

If it's reachable from the main inbox view, OR while reading an email, both would count. But if from the individual email view, I have to click "reply" and only THEN it fills in the suggestion, that wouldn't count.

If I have to enable the feature as a google beta, etc it still counts.

If it's a 3rd party add-on extension or similar, it doesn't count.

If I have to pay google up to 100$/month, it would count and I would do it.

Will this be shipped by mid 2024?

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Does the feature have to exist for all emails, or just some?

@oh I mention "sometimes" so if it just happens occasionally, or even only on command or enabling the feature, that's enough.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@Ernie Already exists

@oh hmm, those are super generic and not really emails. I view sending them as email failures since they're overly short.

In my example, the suggestion has something useful in it. I consider this a non-existing product now, and it needs to be something like that. I will add that as a requirement.

sold Ṁ75 of YES

@Ernie Wdym in the desc that these “autosend”?

@oh I think I clicked on one once and it sent immediately. I'm not sure what would happen if I did that, now, though.