The Factorio expansion will include something like this "quality" mechanic

Upon release, a quality system with at least 5 quality levels similar to that outlined in this blog post. Warning: this may be somewhat subjective. Basically, will a significant change to the game be included which is similar to this. As long as the original game / item / etc. system varies on a new "quality" axis for the same item type, that would be a YES. It must be included in the initial version of the release, and it must be available in the most "default" version of the game. i.e. if you click to create a new game accepting all default options, you'll be able to access quality items naturally through relatively normal play, through the first 20 hours of gameplay. i.e. it may be locked behind a tech upgrade, but that shouldn't be too far in or just an endgame thing. As long as some sort of quality can normally be accessed within 20 hours of the most normal & default play, this would resolve YES.

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