Sora is significantly using Machinima
resolved Mar 4

Ie it is generating or loading 3d assets and animations then "filming" them as would occur in a 3d physics simulation like Roblox

It can still be doing some image generation, but big things like how the camera moves, how object permanence is done etc are mainly done through just generating them once as an asset then filming that to make the video. Of course the model is still writing the script, planning cuts and camera angles, choosing character design etc.

And this will be known and basically accepted by mid 2024

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(speaking personally and NOT as a moderator) Can we resolve this NO? Their public claims about how it works are extremely inconsistent with this (as are many of the videos they've released). They'd have to be lying which seems very unlikely.

@jacksonpolack I don't disagree with this resolution but I still think it uses machinima

bought Ṁ10 YES

I hope we get a detailed breakdown how it works sometime

@jim .... we did? It's a research paper.

@ImDaniel not sure if serious

bought Ṁ300 NO

"Sora is a diffusion model, which generates a video by starting off with one that looks like static noise and gradually transforms it by removing the noise over many steps.

Sora is capable of generating entire videos all at once or extending generated videos to make them longer. By giving the model foresight of many frames at a time, we’ve solved a challenging problem of making sure a subject stays the same even when it goes out of view temporarily."

It's in the research paper, it's still a diffusion model.

@ImDaniel interesting, so object permanence is done via it recognizing when an item reappears later on. I wonder what happens when that fails?

@Ernie This should be sufficient to resolve NO, right? It's from the published paper itself.

I think it's reasonable to resolve this now, we have direct statements that's not what they're doing.

@Ernie look at the generated video of the wolf pups to see what it looks like

@Ernie to clarify, on the open AI article, there is a "mishaps" section (the list starting with the backwards treadmill). 3-4 of those videos show exactly what you're talking about.

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