Enter your guesses! You get paid if people bet on ones you enter!
Joke or silly answers removed! Be careful with spelling. I reserve rights to change what you enter. I'm open to metamarkets but if they're not good I'll NA
All top 10 names win 100%, for each of boys and girl
All top 5 rising win 100% and they may duplicate those above, b&g
And the top 3 Puerto Rico names for each of boys and girls win 100%. For this category we skip names that already won to get up to three winners each sex, but don't go past the top 10.
Will close market end of year then wait til the report comes out.
This is the 2024 market, same setup but more time to think about it.
It will be interesting if news happens during the year related to one of the top names - would that increase or decrease its popularity?