Midjourney can draw a frog riding a bird WELL by mid 2024
Jul 1

This time we require the image to be really good! MJ has to get at least 10/20 to this quality

Definition of good

  • bird must have head

  • bird must not have super froggy eyes, froggy lips, or froggy tongue

  • bird must have feathers and a head

  • frog must be nearly perfectly identifiable as a frog

I will run this prompt "A frog riding on top of a bird" with default settings on the best plan and model available for <100$/month, all default settings, and get output which looks like a frog riding a bird in at least 10/20 output images - I will run the prompt 5x so 5x4 images total.

Unfortunately it's not easy to rigorously define judgment, so I will use my own observation to decide if the picture really shows a frog riding a bird.

Examples of STRICT judging

UL bad - no wings, frog eyes, etc.

UR good - full on normal bird 100%, frog is fine

LL bad - super frog

LR bad - frog head, no beak, frog eyes

this is BAD because it's super distorted & froggy, eyes look weird.

Bad because it's a frog head & frog eyes

Bad because same

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frog riding red


frog riding bird and flower riding frog..

predicts NO

Dall*e3 from Bing is good on this.
There is no criteria about the frog having no béret and baguette, right ?

predicts NO

A frog riding on top of a bird, photorealist, with no french reference.

@Zardoru damn that's pretty good. For the style those seem perfectly coherent, even though the first is more illustration rather than a photograph.