Midjourney can create correct text in images by June 1 2024
Jun 2

On June 1 2024 I will use the best available paid model of midjourney (top paid or best plan available under $100/month) to run this prompt 5 times "A picture of a large overgrown concrete building with a large neon sign that says Pizza on top"

This will produce 20 images (5 mosaics of 4)

If the word Pizza is spelled correctly in at least 10/20 of the resulting images, the claim resolves YES. If not, it's NO. If the claim is tested successfully before this final test, it can immediately resolve YES, but I won't test it more than once per day.

Below is a sample of the images for that prompt today, August 1 2023

These images created today would score 0/20 points.

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sold Ṁ2,266 of YES

liquidated my position bc 97% is close enough lol

sold Ṁ916 of YES

are you going to use that exact prompt? v6 supports text like this but only in quotes (ie a sign that says "PIZZA")

predicts YES

@JackGallagher feels in the spirit of the question to use "" but that literal prompt won't engage the text support in v6 so almost certainly won't work, might not even generate misspelled text

predicts YES

@JackGallagher yes, adding quotes seems reasonable and is a small change. I'm surprised that even if you say "it says pizza" they won't understand that you mean to include text by that phrasing, though.

predicts YES

@Ernie we literally special case quotes in the code for v6

predicts YES

@JackGallagher ah, interesting. Yeah I remember in the last few OH David has been saying that it can be bad when text randomly pops in. I've seen that in DE3 too - it's funny but sometimes does mess up an image. Giving user control by using quotes/apostrophes seems like a good solution!

predicts YES


This is the permanent market for this.