Midjourney allows sexy prompts before July 2024
Jul 2

Currently (4/2023) if you prompt "a sexy woman" you receive a warning. If before July 1 2024 there is a way to submit this prompt, from a US account, this resolves true.

The way must be allowed for at least a week (i.e. if it's only allowed as a result of a bug, it doesn't count).

It's okay if it requires age verification and/or payment plans <200$/month.

If it's only allowed after special negotiation (not as a plan which people in the US can easily subscribe to) or costs more than 200$ a month, that doesn't trigger true.

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Just why

@HfdidiurhtIdifhthdjdi Why? Because people want it, it's a valid type of art, and it's come up as something that midjourney might want to support at some point. In office hours they often express unhappiness that they have to restrict and censor things to a high degree.