Is it okay to leave an empty bottle in a friend's car after they give you a ride?
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  1. You are at work drinking a mexican coke

  2. Your friend comes to pick you up to hang out

  3. You get into the car and finish the drink

  4. You stick it in a cubby in the door

  5. You go to your destination, get out, have fun, then go home

Is this okay?

YES, it's okay, you can leave it there

NO, you should bring it with you and throw it away yourself

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It was my Mexican coke. I did it by accident. Ernie and I were snapping photographs from his car window, he was driving and I was tasked with taking photos. I finished my coke to hold the camera and then put the bottle in the pocket of the passenger door. We drove around for an hour or so, and then got out and parked (which I paid for) and I forgot to get the bottle.

@wglane also, vital info: my car including where it was left, is full of empty water bottles and basically looks like a recycling center.

I'm surprised at this result! I am a NO but thought it would be roughly even.

I mean it’s ok to do it by accident

What's Mexican coke?


Intentionally, no

Accident, yes