Deadline will be extended to accommodate judgements
On adding questions: please make them clearly judgeable . I reserve the right to cancel if they're not interesting, clear, or judgeable. Keep the tone professional and polite otherwise I will remove or edit the answer.
Specific details on sub-claims:
On whether they have orders of >100m usd, exchanges of stock would count as revenue, translating the value at the time as well as we can back to USD. The point is whether they have sold a lot of things, and gotten a lot of money for it.
All IPO-related claims resolve negatively (i.e. they didn't pass the criteria) if there has been no IPO by mid 2027
media proof required = official company or white house announcement, la times, wash post, economist, reuters, bloomberg, wsj, AP. Nytimes and other media do NOT count.
Consumer product = actually purchaseable by a member of the public