I saw this troublesome sign at Morro Bay, CA. At least troublesome for Manifold! The topic of this is the role of legalism in market judgment criteria. This is not too serious and I recommend 10m only in each category. Or submit your own ones too! Going for claims which would be hard to hold and judge against a maximum evil djinn/genie+misaligned lawyer AI.
Initial deadline end of year but may extend if we're having fun.
Please submit yours although I will brutally censor and edit them. Please do not edit in any significant way at all, being hyper cautious, once submitted and doubly so once anyone has bet on them. If they're bad or mean or whatever wrong and not good for kids who may dream to be lawyers one day, clean them up or don't submit.
If you don't know, submitting answers is good and can earn you mana.
Clarifications will come here.
When I offhandedly mention boat owner, for example "as a guest of a boat owner" you can assume that the sign agrees with the background statement about boat owner
Will the market here be able to price how I would judge them? I also claim to be "reasonable, logical, fair," in other contexts!
I've decided my answer in each category and will resolve later, trying to strictly give YES or NO but may NA if there was legitimate difference in interpretation between bettors.
Remember: it says it right there, Boat Owners Only. Just read the words.
@BoltonBailey Note, though, that the person who makes the call should themselves be a boat owner, since, as the sign says, boat owners are the ones who should contact Associated Pacific Constructors.
@Ernie The real question is, do you, as a (non-) boat owner, have the authority to extend the deadline on this market?
@Stralor Insane take, the dock owner (who presumably installed the sign) has forbidden themselves from accessing the place if they didn’t also have a boat? That’s like saying a male restaurant owner cannot go into the women’s bathroom in their restaurant even to do the cleaning.
Possession is nine tenths of the law, if you stole a boat you are a boat owner. Maybe an illegal boat owner, but this sign doesn’t discriminate.
@Ernie ugh I'm gonna love/hate this market bc of how good a point it makes. nitpicking and hunting for technically correct is awful culture, so yeah let's go full bore here
@Stralor yeah it's way worse than. I thought actually. Legalism applied to a three word sign is rough....
@Stralor yeah even for manifold a claim title and description would be really bad. I'm not really advocating for defaulting in a huge number of allowed but unspecified loopholes into every market