Android get os-level ability to remove tracking params from URLs in clipboard

Before eoy 2024

Either a system option or you can install an app which works.

Basically if I can get this working on my nonrooted Android phone from and to any app (not just from Twitter and not just to your app or your intermediate thing)


Be in Twitter

Copy link on a tweet

Get something like:

It gets clean so when you paste, everything from ?t= is gone. That's all useless tracking info.

You can directly paste into other apps and it'll be autoremoved or the keyboard where you paste from has an option to "clean clipboard" or "paste cleaned link" or something for arbitrary apps.

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Wow, this just popped up on PC firefox

is that really doing what I think it's doing? Trying to remove tracking cookies from links you copy? Amazing!

Not directly related to this market but at least it's a move in some product space towards this goal!

Thank you for your support.

I've only been assuming that apps don't have default global clipboard access.

bought Ṁ100 of NO

I bought NO but then immediately thought: do any of the new user tracking features that Google is trialling negate the need for tracking params? I can see a path to YES, and that path is “Google deprecates the need for tracking params through a new tool, and the aggressively tries to kill tracking params to speed adoption of their new tool”.

I’m not that aware of google ads lab work so not sure how high I’d weight it. I’m probably still happy with my NO.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

Hope I'm wrong!

@Joshua oh yeah it'll never happen. Implicit cooperation. But it would be funny