A famous non-entertainer American has more children than Elon Musk by mid 2030
resolved Nov 3

There will be an American with more children then Elon Musk who is famous enough to have a Wikipedia page, and whose fame did not mainly come from their status as a parent of many children, nor from entertainment type activities (not from personally producing music, art, standup, writing, sculpture, and similar future things). If they are say a nonmusical ceo of a music production company, no problem.

The number we use on Elon's side is the highest value of "how many children did Elon have".

EDIT: 11/2/2023 - Sports does not count as entertainment.

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Does sports count as entertainment?

@SGQ no, good question, thanks.

bought Ṁ200 of YES

@SGQ haha okay you got me. Obviously there will be people with more children. I need to refine this more, maybe limit to people who are under X years old or whose children were first born at a certain point?

predicted YES

@Ernie looking forward to your next market!