Will someone attempt to hurt destiny in his next NoJumper appearance?
resolved Mar 5

Will someone attempt to hurt destiny in his next NoJumper appearance?

Any physical action will make this resolve as yes. So if a drink is thrown it will resolve as yes.

This applies to the next "set" of NoJumper apperances where destiny will be in LA. If he goes back to Miami with nothing happening this will resolve to NO.

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predicted NO

Can resolve as no

bought แน€50 of NO

what if Adam throws a drink as a joke?

bought แน€100 of YES

going after someone's mom is so disrespectful and in the NJ community, either HP does something or he's a total b1tch

I feel this is going to be destiny's "Stephen forgets he isn't on the internet" if HP confronts him and Steve thinks they can talk it through like adults

predicted YES

@sometronguy bruh he didnt even say anything the whole things is basically dont start throwing things at your boss even if ur mom died.

What happens if his appearance is cancelled?

@VigneshS If he doesn't go to NoJumper for the rest of the year it will resolve N/A