Will I have a heart attack or stroke in the next five years if I continue on a ruminant diet?

I currently (as of 2024-04-16) derive over 90% of my calories from ruminant sources, mainly in the form of beef and cream. If I continue this, will I have a heart attack or stroke before 2029-05-01? I'm under 50 years old, and I don't drink alcohol or smoke.

This market will resolve n/a if I substantially change my diet before the resolution date. This does not include substituting other sources of stearic acid for cream.

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This is super interesting to me. The fact that the market exists suggests that you know the preponderance of evidence shows that high red meat consumption appears to increase cardiovascular disease risk. The fact that you include your age further suggests that you know your age is likely to be a relevant mitigating factor, which would explain why the market might settle at a low percentage.

Are you hoping to learn something from market forces here?

@NBAP Yes.

@Elspeth Do you have an idea of what you might hope to learn and which results would inform you in which directions?

For example, if the market trades higher than you expected, what priors would you modify?

@NBAP In that case, I might like to have a conversation with the largest yes holders.

bought แน€66 NO

How high is your average systolic blood pressure?

@XYZ_RGB Last tested at 119/74. My total cholesterol was 122, LDL 57, HLD 59. My current BMI is 19.5.