Will this question get 70 or more unique traders by close at 9pm EST Wednesday July 19th 2023?
resolved Jul 20

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predicted YES
Sad Season 4 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
predicted YES

Everyone sell your NO positions : Sell your NO at profit, I sell My Yes at break even, You re-buy NO and profit a bit more 🤣 🤣

@SirCryptomind there u go

predicted YES
steroids asthma GIF
predicted YES

Not publicly listed 😭

predicted YES

@SirCryptomind I knew it...they're taking these down from being publicly listed. That's why the last few came down to the wire.

predicted YES

@EhMe11 I think it is unfair to allow it to be listed, and than yank it with just a few hours to go. If it were my market I would N/A it if that happened and explain exactly my reason, because it is unfair to those that saw it, and made positions, and than the listing dies without notice.
Makes it no longer "fun".

sold Ṁ53 of NO

@SirCryptomind that's super annoying that creators arent notified when this happens. I know they are trying to not have these questions on the front page or anything, but it would be better if the creator atleast knew that this was happening.

predicted YES

@higherLEVELING Agreed. Like maybe put a tag beside the title saying "Not Publicly Listed" or something like the lock symbol on private markets.

Also, I follow Amy, and it doesn't show there on their page. Only way to find it for me was because I favorited it.

bought Ṁ20 of NO

@SirCryptomind It’s a relatively new policy, IIRC. It would make sense for people who have a history of betting on non-predictive markets to get notified about this somehow.

@DavidChee, would doing this be crazy?

bought Ṁ10 of YES
The Daily Show Wtf GIF by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
predicted YES

Look at all these non-believers 🤣

Liars Fraud GIF by PragerU
bought Ṁ30 of NO

@SirCryptomind Let's not discuss this, I am not sure how the trending algorithm works and I don't want to push this market up 😄.

predicted YES

@JaromirSvoboda The hell, glad I didn't touch that market. Geeze.

predicted YES

@SirCryptomind people have a hate on for these markets now 🤷‍♀️

predicted YES

@EhMe11 I think it is mostly just markets that have some form of "Creator Discretion" ; like having parameters of how it would resolve, but the creator has some kind of phrasing to where it leans to their discretion on whether or not to go outside those parameters.

sold Ṁ69 of NO

@SirCryptomind You are obviously way more experienced. This week is teaching me the hard way to not trade on Manifold at all.

@SirCryptomind But if you change your mind, a heads-up would be nice so that I can pull out 😄.

predicted YES

@JaromirSvoboda The lesson is not to trade! It’s to keep learning! Stick around ❤

predicted YES

I sent a 100 Managram to you @EhMe11 , it deducted from my balance, can't see if it successfully sent to you.

@SirCryptomind omg thank you, my first managram! I haven't yet seen it come in. Though I made a few markets yesterday and they didn't post until midnight (but my balance changed immediately). Likely still glitching.

predicted YES

@EhMe11 It went through finally!

predicted YES

@SirCryptomind I got it! Thanks so much! 😇

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Not showing positions or trades ...not again manifold, not again. 😭