Will Game Theory survive without Matpat?
Jun 7

With Matpat stepping away, will Game Theory and its sister channels survive and continue at the same or similar popularity/relevance (Videos are getting around the same amount views and the channels are not losing a large amount of subscribers) or will they die out.

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How are you defining “similar popularity”? Is this just tracking Game Theory, or is it tracking the other theory channels too? How long do they have to sustain their popularity before this resolves YES?

@nottelling2ccc By similar popularity I mean they are getting a similar amount of views and they aren't loosing a notable amount of subscribers. This is for all their channels not just Game Theory

@DrREDDUCKTED And I would say at least 3 or so months after Matpats final video to determine whether or not there is the decline I am describing

@DrREDDUCKTED Okay, I’d recommend making an objective way to quantify views and subscribers, and set a fixed date for when you’ll make the measurement,

@nottelling2ccc For the views I have taken note of the 10 most recent videos on each channel as of January 9th (Excluding the announcement video) and will be taking an average from them. As for subscribers I will be taking note of each channels current subscriber count as of January 9th.

90 days after Matpats final video is published I will compair the average view count of the 10 most recent videos on each channel at the time with the data gathered today, same with subscriber count to see if there is a significant difference.

As I do not know the date Matpats final video will be posted I will not set a hard date, the moment I do I will update this.

If you have any recommendations on how to improve this please let me know.