Will the number of traders on this market be above 25?
resolved Dec 9

Resolves YES if by closing time the total number of unique active traders is above 25. Bots do count.

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predicted YES


predicted YES

The grievance must be redressed. I'll grieve the death of my mana by replicating the market and resolving it correctly.

Will there be 25 or more traders on this market?

bought Ṁ10,000 of YES

Does active traders seriously mean number of traders with shares??

predicted NO

@JoshuaB yes, that why I specified "active," I'm really sorry man

predicted YES

@DesTiny The Destiny community has been quite the tragedy for this site.

predicted NO

@a what am I supposed to do 😭, I thought it would just be an easy market

predicted YES

@DesTiny "traders" almost always means the number next to "traders" in the market information, if there are doubts about a resolution it's generally better to ask the community (an N/A resolution might be better here). I'm not very bothered by losing the mana, but it certainly makes me think twice about betting in markets by any new folks coming in from less verbose communities.

predicted NO

@a Would active traders mean the same thing?

predicted YES

@RogerYang I'm not sure what that would mean; to me, it implies that the trading is actively happening, maybe within a set timeframe of close. I think what OP meant was "how many users will hold a position / own shares on this market"

predicted NO

@a I thought it was pretty clear that "active trader" meant someone who actively had shares in the market. That was the point of me specifying it

predicted NO

@DesTiny that was how I understand it, but I also didn't know about the traders section arae has mentioned

predicted YES

@a I am speechless. What is the Destiny community though, if you do not mind me asking?

@a This comment is asinine. The title of the market clearly states "active traders", not "traders". Having 'active' stated clearly points to people who actively hold shares, not anyone who had ever held shares.

*description, not title

predicted YES

@a I want to apologize for this comment. It's unfair of me to blame the whole Destiny community for the actions of a couple people, and us who've been on manifold for longer also should do better about codifying our norms. I'm sorry.

I still don't think "active traders" is nearly as clear as commenters here think it is; it also wasn't in the title of the market ("number of traders"). But I can see the argument that team YES should have read things more closely.

predicted NO


predicted NO


predicted NO

just let me count one more time 😭

predicted NO

@DesTiny goddammit, sorry for all the yessers

bought Ṁ30 of YES

Lols, whoops.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Not above 25 traders though

predicted NO

@Lifejacker ik man I just feel so bad 😭

predicted NO

@DesTiny I understand thats why I went ham last sec lol

bought Ṁ50 of NO

Guys, uhhh

predicted NO

@DesTiny I feel bad resolving this as no