Are you tired of seeing markets on Jimmy Carter’s death?
resolved Apr 10

Personally voting yes, wish I had an option to hide markets based on keywords. Selecting hide this market and similar content doesn’t seem to have an effect.

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Nope, I love making lots of mana doing nothing much more sophisticate than assuming that he has a 0.4% chance of dying per day


Thank you for this poll. I, too, have unsuccessfully tried to hide the JC death markets…

You can block the Jimmy Carter topic


No. No you can’t. I have blocked the topic and all the dead Carter questions still show up.

I think having questions of this kinds forms the moral basis of a prediction market that does not shy away from hard questions. Questions that draw ire for being asked draw believers with broken epistemologies that will believe in the worst possible thing because it's socially penalized.

@NeoPangloss It’s not the question itself, it’s about how many times the same question is asked over and over and over again.

@DavidS ah I gotcha, misread due to missing context, thought you were frustrated with seeing the number of markets that I was seeing for that questions without considering that you might be seeing significantly more. Apologies!