Will I write and record a full Song until the end of next semester vacation?
resolved Oct 13

Since about one year I want to write a song but I could never finish it because I thought the lyrics where too corny or I didn't have the right equipment to record it. This has to stop. Friends (like user yunglady) can help me but I have to take a great part in the artistic process (writing lyrics and melodies, writing guitar parts, recording guitar, singing, mixing). It has to be an original song and not a remix or interpolation of some sort. Genre doesn't matter, it just has to include guitar. In the end the song has to be released on Soundcloud and the link will be posted as a comment.

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@DavidFakemann any update?

Are you a native German speaker? Living in Munich, I frequently hear people say “until X” when they mean “before X” or “by X” 🙂