Will I increase my stay in the Bahamas for an extra 2 weeks?
resolved May 15
My original length of stay was supposed to be 1.5 weeks but I'm hoping to extend it to the end of the month. Still figuring out if I can get away with it as I have a charity stream I was supposed to partake in (but think I'll be able to do it from here) and need to wait to see if Joel will approve it (in before he predicts yes and then approves it lol).
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s/Bahamas/Bahamas (warning: insider trading)/ ?
I'd kinda want to stay longer myself if not for existing plans to go to NY after this I felt like I missed so much of the Bahamas ๐Ÿ˜ญ
predicted YES
Also you could pitch Joel on FTX sponsoring your charity stream by hosting you in the bahamas, "EA for a wider audience" or sth
predicted YES
Oh right you could maybe crash at the Nonlinear Airbnb lol
bought แน€50 of YES
Currently space is not fully booked, Joel seemed rather positive, and if he says no you can still find other ways to stay longer (bahamas is totally worth it)