Will I (Dave_9000ish) lose my mana in a ponzi scheme?
resolved Jan 1

I put down 100. If I'm in the last five, I make back 120 as per the rules. If I'm not, but there are insufficient new entrants then I lose a portion of the 100 as there won't have been enough payouts.

Resolves at year end


Manifold's first completely legal Ponzi Scheme! [>Ṁ20 000 PAID OUT!] [GET RICH QUICK]
As far as I'm aware there are no rules agains this and come on, first time's free! Here's how this goes: To participate you add a multiple of 100M to the Bounty and place a comment: [image]You can at any point purchase more slots by adding a multiple of M100 to the bounty, any amount above a multiple of M100 will be ignored (M69 buys 0 slots, M420 buys 4, and so on) and can be refunded if you request it. Purchased slots cannot be refunded. With each slot purchased M75 will be redistributed evenly to all previous participants (within 5 minutes, thanks to a bot running on AWS). The other 25% will be used to cover operational costs of this completely legitimate enterprise. The total profit for each user is rounded up and paid out when amount owed exceeds payout threshold (by default 5 to limit spam). You can add "minimum_payout=X" anywhere in any of your comments to set your own value. Additionally anybody who pledges at least M600 to this market will be eligible for an airdrop of our exclusive Normal Monkey JPG Club Monkey Picture delivered straight to your comment replies! Now not only will you be financially secure thanks to never ending dividends from the market but also own one Public Domain Picture of a Monkey, yours to use in any way you want, and who knows how valuable those might become! BAG HOLDING INSURANCE POLICY: If the scheme ever comes to an end (I'm thinking something like 2 months with no new participants) the last 5 slots will be awarded M120 each to reward their belief in our services. That means you don't need to worry about being the last to invest, you can still profit. Your potential profits are infinite, the sooner you join the more you make! Official profit tracker now also automated! You can purchase insurance in case of regulatory overreach under those links: @/CodeandSolder/will-manifolds-first-completely-leg @/CodeandSolder/will-the-manifold-team-react-negati @/CodeandSolder/will-manifold-markets-take-steps-to ‌ And if this pond is too small for you check out @/CodeandSolder/whales-vs-pyramids-will-investors-a Thanks to @Stralor for the idea: [image]
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Hi, it seems that this will resolve in YES but just in case how much have you recouped?

@Dave_9000ish Thanks! Sorry for your losed mana

predicted NO

@Dave_9000ish well, you did make ~60 in trader bonuses here, by my math that's nearly profit lol

@CodeandSolder You are right! I did not thought of that, he assured its profit by creating this market

how much have you recouped so far?

@crowlsyong 45 mana


If you lose some mana -doesn‘t matter how much- then this will resolve YES, right?

@gigab0nus correct. If at the end of the year the total payout is <100 then Resolves to YES

predicted NO

@Dave_9000ish What if you, personnaly buy enough shares that your total payout is > 100?

@SebastianWorms not putting any more in so somewhat moot. But I would count as a loss if I "invest" more than I get out

Not in the last five and won't be adding more, so it's now a case of "will I make back M100 just on payouts?

@Dave_9000ish 11 recouped so far

@Dave_9000ish M19 recouped so far

@Dave_9000ish M26 recouped so far

@Dave_9000ish M31 recouped so far

@Dave_9000ish M36 recouped so far

predicted NO

@Dave_9000ish Still 37 and no signups in the last 30 hours or so

@SebastianWorms odds are not looking good

@Dave_9000ish Can't believe I apparently bought no share because I read it as "Will I make my money back" -_-'

@Dave_9000ish 41 recouped so far