Will the downtown Berkeley Target be open on the first week of April 2024?
resolved Apr 3

There used to be a few convenience stores you could go to in Berkeley: a CVS, a Walgreens, and a Target. The CVS closed earlier this year, and the Walgreens closed this week. Will the Target survive?

Resolves YES if there is any day during the first 7 days of April 2024 in which a member of the public can go to a Target located at 2187 Shattuck Ave and buy something.

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Can anyone in Berkeley confirm it's open? (I'm currently out of town)

@DanielFilan yes, it's open

bought Ṁ5,000 YES

Should resolve YES I think. I haven't actually seen it but someone can probably confirm that it is open, it's open on Google Maps

I went in today and saw someone stashing items in internal pockets of their jacket, which made me think they were planning on stealing those items.

@DanielFilan Stealing seems pretty common now, not sure if it's really been increasing in the last year at least.

@DanielFilan I’ve also seen theft there, but it’s such a good location (close to Berkeley campus) that I can’t imagine they close it after CVS/Walgreens left and reduced competition

Target is closing 3 stores in the SF Bay Area, but not the one that is the subject of this question. https://corporate.target.com/press/releases/2023/09/Target-Closes-Select-Stores-to-Prioritize-Team-Mem

I believe the pharmacy at the Target might be closing, but I might have heard that wrong.

That said, the main target seems to be doing pretty well - at least it's busy when I go in.

@DanielFilan This Walgreens seemed pretty bad to me. I'm sad to see it go, but I think it was pretty clear it wasn't getting much attention from management.
(No automated checkout?)

@OzzieGooen I agree it wasn't great on a customer service level, but it managed to do a better job than Target at stocking stuff I wanted to buy.

@DanielFilan I also found it valuable - I'm just stating that I wasn't very surprised to see it close.

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