Does conflict make life more interesting?
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Thesis: Conflict makes life more interesting.

I am prefacing to say that conflict of all types/degrees is usually not good. It is causing stress, discomfort, many times death and suffering. We can say we do not like it so we are not labeled as the psychopath. But in the human condition with none of the filters, we are needing it for our entertainment. Many people will never admit it, I imagine there may be a skew with results, but conflict is making life more interesting. So many people seeking outrage. So much watching reality TV and YouTube personalities picking teams. White power movements and nationalism. Invasions, religious fights and controlling borders. Humans love it, without it life is boring.

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Depends on the conflict. Technology cycles are interesting but mindless violence is not. Since you hashed the question with #Wars I'm going to assume you mean to include violence which makes your question too broad to be useful or representative of anything.

There's a sense in which this is true, in that people need goals that aren't super easy to attain, and you could call those difficulties "conflict". But "conflict" usually refers specifically to interpersonal disagreements, and, at that, to ones that are severe enough to be bad, not to ones that get people into a flow state to solve them.

Pivot is certainly making things the more interesting for us today!

Also, military tech is just extremely cool

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