Will I go on at least one date with someone in The Bay Area before I leave mid-April?
resolved Apr 13

I lost my job and am staying in The Bay for 1.5 months to professionally network following EAG. The question will resolve YES if I go on one unamiguous date with someone. Hanging out one on one with someone where mutual attraction seems obvious - even if physical intimacy is involved - but where it is never explicitly established by both parties that said hang out is "a date" does not count. e.g. makeout seshes, while fun, are not a date.

Someone who agrees to date me before this market closes and then we just have a virtual video call date DOES count as a date for the purposes of this question. So even if it is the last day before my flight, technically I could meet someone at the airport... wouldn't be the first time.

I'd easily vote yes on this, except for the part where all my dating apps are dead in the water years outdated and need to be updated... which I don't have time for on account of needing to job search.

Mar 31, 2:42pm: Will I go on at least one date in the month of March with someone in The Bay Area? → Will I go on at least one date with someone in The Bay Area before I leave mid-April?

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predicted NO


With less than 48 hours to spare it actually happened and I went on a lovely date this week:

  1. Was explicitly agreed to be a date by both parties

  2. Not someone that said yes just because she thought it would be funny to resolve this market to true

  3. And most important requirement for me to call it a date: IT WAS ROMANTIC and I got to be all cute and stuff HELL YES! ❤

predicted NO

Other friend's feedback:

"Is the goal to go on a date before leaving the bay? are you looking for a green card wife??? 😂 "

Nah, I was just genuinely curious at the start of the month if I make this market whether I'd forecast it correctly. Also seemed like a fun first question given I am new to this site.

predicted NO

So would-be-voters and friends have given me this feedback:

"Dunno how to vote for this but you need to share how your dating profiles look if you're using them, and how much effort you're putting into dating via meeting organically. Very hard to vote without more info.

I want this train wreck to be real but it's prob an April fools joke."

I love my friends. OK... let me stop laughing for a second... 🤣

I am using zero dating apps. I am quite social though. Go to at least 3 socials a week, most involve meeting new people. Went to a speed dating event last week. Going to this probably this week: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dating-authentically-tickets-491155769127?aff=erelexpmlt

The train-wreck is real everyone! Anyone who knows me knows I am an excellent trainwreck conductor.

"Have you not already gone on one?"

As stated in the question, a date is only a date if both parties explicitly agree twas a date. Yes, I have already been "datey" in the past month, but I'm sticking strictly to how I wrote this market at the beginning of the month. Mostly because it's funny:

  • Have I gone on a one-sided date with someone where I thought it was a date but she said it wasn't? YES

  • Am I hanging out with someone soon where she is OK to call it a date but I'm not sure I'd call it a date? YES

This does hilariously mean that come April 14 there are 2 people (one is me) that could suddenly retroactively change their minds and say "actually that was a date" in which case, yes, this market will resolve YES 😂

It really takes that long to tap the little update button?

@BenjaminIkuta Given I am a new user I am unsure if this is a comment directed at me that indicates I am using the site incorrectly or sub-optimally in some way

@CornelisDirkHaupt I am talking to you. I'm asking why it's so hard for you to update your dating apps.

@BenjaminIkuta I am laughing sorry. I mean update the pictures and the bio and all the information - not update the app from the app store. I haven't seriously used any dating app in like 5 years (was in a 5 year long relationship)

@CornelisDirkHaupt I forgive you. Could you use the apps without putting that much effort into updating them?

@BenjaminIkuta That usually leads to a cascading effect where I get too into optimising said dating apps. Am glad I haven't in the past month as my job search has included work trials that have kept me quite busy.

This market is for a situation where I don't have dating apps. I'll start looking into dating apps again after I leave The Bay.