Will Manifold Markets implement a "Most changed" sorting option for trades before July 1?
resolved Jul 1
When I'm looking at my portfolio, I kind of care about value, and kind of care about profit, and kind of care about resolution date, but really what I want to know is, "What changed since I last looked at my portfolio?" I think this sorting feature would be relatively easier to implement, and would improve quality of life for Manifold users, so I'm doing the thing you're supposed to do and making a market! This market resolves to YES if and when Manifold Markets implements an option to sort your trades by how much (or if) they've changed since you last viewed your portfolio before July 1, 2022. It resolves to NO otherwise. I would love to see something like "Most changed in the last 24 hours," if that's simpler to implement! It doesn't meet the technical specifications I listed above (I'll have to add "or a similar feature" to descriptions in the future), but it's entirely in the spirit of them. If it happens, I'll resolve this market to 75%.
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bought Ṁ50 of NO
More fake money I’d be happy to lose.
bought Ṁ30 of NO
more of the same
bought Ṁ15 of NO
hedge + haven’t heard any progress
Hm, that's pretty interesting. We don't actually track things like "what time you last viewed your portfolio page" on the website, either for such changes or for notifications, but I can see how it'd be very engaging. A simpler version might be to show "most changed" in the last 24h, rather than by "when you've seen the page"; less technical difficulty but most of the benefits. I notice I care a lot about the button on the LessWrong site that shows "how many stars have you accumulated in the last 24h"? So something like that "how much money have you made/lost in the last 24h" shown directly in the sidebar might be good!
predicted NO
@Austin 1d/3d/1w, maybe, configurable by user settings? I'd find a sidebar 24h notification very annoying, but a 1-week might be cool; other people care more about shorter time scales, though
bought Ṁ10 of YES
oh this sounds great