Will I still be following @DesTiny four weeks after I’ve been paid to be?
resolved Feb 19

@DesTiny just paid me M$100 to follow them for a week. (From January 15 at 11:55 to January 22 at 11:55.) Afterward, I plan to unfollow them if I am annoyed by notifications for their new markets, which will probably occur if they're spammy or if many are related to topics I'm uninterested in (the streamer Destiny, sports, etc).

I will resolve this market based on whether I'm following DesTiny after four weeks of not being paid to be. Currently that is February 19 at 11:55 AM PST. However, if I accept any other payments or deals that affect whether I follow DesTiny, I will extend this market until four weeks of no deal have elapsed. For example, if the payment expires as expected, a week elapses, and then I am paid for another week, then I will extend the market until three weeks after that payment expires - because that's a total of four weeks.

If I unfollow DesTiny but refollow them by market close, this market will still resolve YES.

The goal is for this market to measure whether I continue to follow DesTiny based on merit.

I will not bet on this market unless I feel it is very mispriced.

General policy for my markets: In the rare event of a conflict between my resolution criteria and the agreed-upon common-sense spirit of the market, I may resolve it according to the market's spirit or N/A, probably after discussion.

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predicted YES
predicted NO

@DesTiny make better markets and I’ll follow you again

predicted YES

Who is Destiny anyway?

predicted YES

@AllanLacy Which one? Either you mean the streamer or the coolest person ever

predicted YES

@DesTiny I didn't mean you, so I guess the streamer

predicted YES

@Conflux I can't believe you aren't following me smh my head

bought Ṁ200 of NO

I have now unfollowed DesTiny, so I would have to refollow for this market to resolve YES.

predicted YES
bought Ṁ50 of NO

destiny really coming through with the spammy markets today

predicted YES

@Conflux Preposterous, I find them quite sophisticated and remarkable my good sir

bought Ṁ40 of YES

You better >:(