Will I miss my trip (leaving on Friday) because of being sick?
resolved Apr 5

I’ve been sneezing a lot the last few days, but I didn’t think I was sick until last night when my throat felt more clogged and I felt more mucus. Negative for covid, it feels much more like a common cold. I decided to stay home (though I probably could’ve gone to school) and went back to bed. (It was like 10:30 when I got up again.)

Overall I feel somewhat sniffly but mostly myself. I think it’s likely that I’ll be back in action tomorrow, though there’s some chance I won’t. What I really care about, though, is a trip to Connecticut for a crossword tournament which I’ve been excited for for months. Flight leaves Friday morning. Will I miss it? (I’m not planning to be reckless, but I do really want to go.)

General policy for my markets: In the rare event of a conflict between my resolution criteria and the agreed-upon common-sense spirit of the market, I may resolve it according to the market's spirit or N/A, probably after discussion.

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Status update: I feel like I’ve used an entire tissue box today, and have taken two cough drops. I have been eating normally though. I spent some of the day sedentary, watching videos (what a great Jet Lag the Game finale, btw), but I’ve also done some math work and solved all three of last weekend’s NYT magazine variety puzzles. Planning to do my weekly virtual piano lesson as usual.

Right now I’m actually fairly optimistic about this specific market: I think I’m in a state where, armed with enough tissues and cough drops, I could do a flight and trip, take more downtime than usual, and perform at like 70% my normal crosswording ability. So this market largely reflects the chance that things get worse tomorrow, or that I actually have covid.

@Conflux forgot to mention crushed some mtg arena strangers at omniscience draft. do they not know that the meta is to take everything that draws cards??

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