Will Dr. Yetman use the phrase “enterprising Proofnik” in his next spam email?
resolved Oct 5

I've heard that many of you like this website where you can bet on things like, 'Will Dr. Yetman use the phrase 'enterprising Proofnik' in his next spam email?' or 'When will the next Build Week form arrive in my inbox?' (the answers are probably and soon...).

General policy for my markets: In the rare event of a conflict between my resolution criteria and the agreed-upon common-sense spirit of the market, I may resolve it according to the market's spirit or N/A, probably after discussion.

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predicted NO

Looks like a no to me?

predicted NO

@Conflux he said entrepreneurial 10th and 11th grade proofniks which technically means enterprising so idk

predicted NO

@lag but Dr yetman never said the words enterprising proofnik in that order so I would say prob no

predicted YES

@Conflux its in the spreadsheet

predicted NO

@DeadRhino it's not in the email though

predicted YES

@Conflux but it's attached as part of the email

predicted NO

@DeadRhino that’s not in the email

predicted YES

@Conflux but it's in a link in the email

predicted NO

@DeadRhino I assumed the common interpretation would be about the text of the email - was this genuinely not your interpretation?

predicted YES

@Conflux I haven't seen this email and I definitely hadn't thought about the possibility of attachments in advance one way or the other. For the market you might need a bright line, but if we didn't need that I think my actual interpretation might depend on to what extent the attachment/link is supplemental - e.g. if the entire email was just "See attachment/link for next week's schedule." or something, then I'd be more likely to count the contents of the attachment/link as being the email, than if the email had a lot of text and also happened to have an attachment/link.

predicted NO

@BenjaminCosman It has multiple paragraphs of text

predicted YES

@Conflux but the paragraphs are basically just "look at the schedule here's how it works"

bought Ṁ50 of YES

if nobody bets on this market until leagues close, i will give each person who replies to this comment 50 mana

predicted NO
predicted NO
sold Ṁ0 of YES

@Conflux i need it to be high for leagues

predicted NO
predicted YES

@Conflux leagues have now ended.

bought Ṁ1 of YES

@DeadRhino can i still have free mana pls

predicted YES

@mana sure

bought Ṁ50 of YES

bet. ;)


@cloe any particular reason for this?

bought Ṁ100 of NO

@DeadRhino I just don't know that many enterprising proofniks with emails

bought Ṁ100 of NO

would you consider an email not sent to the entire school a "spam email"?

predicted NO

@cloe I’ll say it probably counts if the email is sent to at least 30 students - forward me the email if it’s unclear?

predicted NO

@Conflux hm okay (it was just for bio)