Will I be able to tweet a Mastodon link on 2023-01-01?
resolved Jan 2

As of mid-December 2022, Twitter is blocking links to Mastodon as potential malware. Will this restriction be lifted on January 1, 2023?

At some point between 00:00 and 23:59 UTC on January 1, 2023, I will attempt to make a post from my Twitter account @CollOverSpread with the text "My Mastodon account is at https://qoto.org/@collectedoverspread".

If this succeeds, then this market resolves to YES.

If I am prevented from posting due to content that is purportedly "harmful," "dangerous," or similar, then this market resolves to NO. Also, if I "succeed" in posting but within 24 hours of making the post my account or post has action taken against it (suspension, flagging, etc.) where the link between the post and the action is clear, then then this market resolves to NO.

If my account is suspended, deleted, or otherwise inaccessible to me to post at all before the attempt (for any reason, even if it has to do with Mastodon), then this market resolves to N/A. If there is some other obvious issue preventing me from attempting to post (for example, my Internet connection is down), then I will attempt to rectify the situation and try again, but if I cannot rectify the issue before 23:59 UTC then this market resolves to N/A.

I may trade in this market as usual.

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predicted YES

Posted successfully at 00:30: https://twitter.com/CollOverSpread/status/1609346407139508224

Will resolve to YES after 24 hours to check if any action is taken against my account.

predicted YES

How does this resolve if Twitter is down at that time?

predicted YES

@RyanMoulton I would classify that as "some other obvious issue preventing me from attempting to post" which means this market would resolve to N/A if it is not rectified.

Poll ends in 19 hours

As this market has had a lot of activity due to policy changes at Twitter, I'd like to clarify that the resolution does not strictly depend on what policies are in place when I attempt to post.

For example, if Twitter modifies or removes its "promotion of alternative social platforms policy" so that such links are allowed, but the technical restriction remains in place, then this market would still resolve to NO. Conversely, if the Twitter keeps this policy in place but the technical restriction is removed (and it takes Twitter more than 24 hours to take action against my post/account), then this market would still resolve to YES.

Elon walking it back already lol

Even people generally on Elon Musk's side tend to be critical of this policy. George Hotz is so pro Musk that he joined Twitter after he bought it, and predictably he's against it too. Surely a lot of voices respected by Musk will reach him.

I think this market undervalues the volatility of Twitter's policies. They change their mind based on outrage

predicted YES

Will this market resolve No if you are unable to post due to content that is in violation of https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/social-platforms-policy?

predicted NO

@NoaNabeshima if my account is suspended or unable to post for any reason before my attempt on January 1, then this market resolves N/A. However, if I post and "succeed" but shortly afterwards my account is suspended/has action taken against it and there is a clear link between my post and that action, then this market resolves NO.

I will update the description to clarify these cases.


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