[Anti-Whale Aktion] Does Isaac King plan to profit off the Whales vs Minnows market?
resolved May 7

Resolves based on his explaination once the market is over should one be given, otherwise if a clear consensus cannot be reached based on his actions resolves N/A.

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Market in question:

Apr 9, 2:05pm: [Anti-Whale Aktion] Does Isaac King's plan to profit off the Whales vs Minnows market? → [Anti-Whale Aktion] Does Isaac King plan to profit off the Whales vs Minnows market?

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predicted YES

@CodeandSolder can you please resolve it

Tag me once this needs to resolve and I'll answer.

How does this resolve if my plan changed at some point during the market, such that at one point I did plan to make a profit, and at some other point I didn't?

@IsaacKing I think the plan as of creation of this market would be the most reasonable answer?

predicted YES

@IsaacKing could you answer what your plan was as of market creation?

predicted YES
predicted NO

@CodeandSolder That was the plan, yes.