Lets play 2 person Hearts
resolved Apr 28
Deal 1: Player 1 (on lead 1st trick) wins (least points) 100%, draws 50%, loses 0%
Deal 2: Player 1 (not on lead 1st trick) wins 100%, draws 50%, loses 0%
Deal 1 or 2 ends in a draw
Same player wins both Deal 1 and Deal 2

Game description
The aim is to win fewest points
Points are: QSpades=25 points, 2Hearts=2 points, 3Hearts=3 points etc upto KHearts=13 points then AHearts 15

The first volunteer in comments becomes player 1, the second volunteer player 2. These players play deals 1 and 2. If there is a 3rd and 4th volunteer these play deals 3 and 4 and so on until returning to first volunteer if still interested.

Two hands of 26 cards are dealt. Players can see their own hand and can therefore work out the opponents hand in full. This means that I can display both hands to everyone once players are selected.

Each player selects 13 cards from their full hand to keep to play and sends private message to me of which cards selected.

If neither player retains any points, I announce a draw.

If instead I announce both players have selected 13 valid cards, we then start playing.
On Deal 1 3 5 7 ... player 1 leads to first trick. On Deals 2 4 6 8 ... player 2 leads to first trick.

Suit led must be followed if possible. If not possible, any card can be discarded including hearts or Queen of spades. Highest card of suit led wins and takes any points from cards played.

When on lead any card left in your hand can be selected (In this variation, Heart suit does not have to be broken to make leading a heart possible).

The person who wins the trick has to lead for next trick.

There is no shooting the moon - trying to win all the points, that just loses.

Players are encouraged to try to win but can bet for or against themselves. Anyone watching can also bet in whatever way they wish but note that players have more information so taking part may make more sense than just watching.

If players trying to lose appears to spoil the game I reserve right to N/A any markets dependant on affected deals as I see fit or possibly even resolve against bad actors positions if that seems merited.

With extra knowledge I will not bet and will try to act as honest broker, and try to spot any mistakes as soon as I can. If anyone spots an error before me please do comment as soon as possible - the earlier it is spotted the easier to correct and continue if possible.

People are welcome to add other markets.

If you see any problems or ambiguities with these rules, please let me know so I can try to iron out any issues. Does this make sense or anything I should clarify?

Some hands can have obvious winner which are boring but most have alternate possible card selections depending on what you think the opponent will select. Hopefully rapid analysis will be key here with some risk of missing some selection possibilities. So I will try to give several hours notice of time at which I will post deals. Is 11pm UTC a suitable time for this or would you prefer earlier or later?

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I was hoping for more interest perhaps even turn it into a tournament with a prize. Thought hearts would be well known as a free windows game.

How to advertise? Perhaps tagging some of the poker tournament players is ok? Maybe I should announce a tournament like prize 500 mana after a round robin if there are few entrants, perhaps knock out if there are more. Or maybe I should just abandon idea for lack of interest?

@Stralor @Fion @Lion @A @Jason @Odoacre @Mich
Who else? Sorry I am struggling to remember.

@ChristopherRandles I'm currently quite busy, so unfortunately, it's a no for now. Maybe in the future, but that's likely a few months away.

I don't have a problem being tagged, but maybe just ask on Discord? Seems likely to find some people over there...

I volunteer, but don't have full understanding of the game. Will catch on the go.

@KongoLandwalker A lot of the gameplay is about trying to keep a way off lead so you don't end up with remainder of points by only having suits the other player doesn't have.

@ChristopherRandles i understood that part.

The whole game looks like rock-paper-scissors ie one-decision game. In RPS you choose your throw and here you choose when to flip from avoid to collecting. It does not look as rich as people characterise it in the internet.

@KongoLandwalker Yeah, it is quite possible people will find it boring. I am hoping quite a few people will be surprised at cards selections and maybe some card plays as well.