I have started a small comedy channel, and have several more ideas for videos. Which ones will do well?
Videos will be posted on Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube Shorts. If after ~48 hours, the video
performs above my median views for two out of the three platforms
OR is my most viewed video on at least one platform
the choice for that market will resolve YES. Otherwise, that choice resolves NO.
I will only resolve N/A if I realize a video is never gonna happen.
~~Almost none of these ideas are self-explanatory, so consider this a draft market and enjoy betting with almost zero context.~~
~~I plan to return and at the very least explain each premise.~~
Update: I've added top-of-mind descriptions to all the ideas currently listed (and made a couple bets as I went through too).
I also hope to rate the complexity and difficulty of execution. If I've sketched out lines or gags, I'll try to include that. Some of these I have already filmed-- I could potentially share some of the raw footage. I might also add some of my standup videos and suggest jokes or timestamp ranges for betting. I could also add jokes that haven't been filmed yet to see if they're worth perfoming!
Here are the channels:
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@charliemocomedy
YouTube: Charlie Mo - YouTube
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charliemocomedy/reels/
update 10/24: Going to spend some time writing quick description/premises for things.
Some things to keep in mind when betting:
I like creating, writing, and performing comedy, but I have fairly limited experience putting together comedy video. If a premise looks like it might exceed my abilities, it might be worth either betting it down or assuming that I will try to simplify it to a level more commensurate to my editing skills.
I think my priority for what to actually create from this list will be based on some informal combination of "likelihood of success" / perceived effort to create.
Descriptions (in no particular order)
Glass of Thrones letdown
Like some of my existing conent, this came to me walking around.
Belfast has a series of very prominent stained glass window art dedicated to Game of Thrones. However, when I was there, there was one that was noticeably empty. The punchline is that the empty one represents seasons 9 and 10 where the writers tied everything together.
I've already filmed all of this and it came out ok.
Need to edit and add subtitles
Glass of thrones letdown (polished)
same as above except I also shot some more detailed clips of the windows.
It would take more work to add that footage in as edits, but it might result in more views!
Spies when they accidentally bite the poison pill hidden in their tooth
fairly self explanatory
fellah laughing with friends, biting wrong, grabbing his cheek, and it all setting in
Friend who took to long in the bathroom
Friend gets escalatingly defensive about how long they took in the bathroom
Have a lot of gags for this already
Difficulty 6/10 because it's editing and two characters
Depression after a team I never heard of loses
probably a series of videos modeled off of lonely Pablo Escobar meme
need to tighten up text
Rembering that PBR was a thing
very simple-- probably just a "showerthoughts" style, staring out the window, brow furrows.
need to revist the text overlay of this video
maybe emphasize how it feels like that never happened.
Every time I try to order a beer
Have some scraps of dialog for this
Generally about how intimidated I get when trying to order a beer at a bar
Difficulty seems variable, but let's assume I'm just going to try to "green screen" this
American Express review
Shot in the style of a serious personal finance channel
Devolves into the downsides of this card being the awkard moments when you have to ask if they take Amex or you don't ask and it doesn't work.
Escalate by alternating between pros and increasingly absurd cons
Gross side of owls delivering mail in the great hall
Clip great hall owl delivery scene from first HP movie
cut to our me sitting down to my lunch at the great hall and it just getting covered in bird poop.
bulls eye into drink a nice touch
pros: Harry Potter content seems highly spreadable
cons: messy
Friend who thinks they're safety officer
(or, friend who's anxiety manifests itself as concern for safety)-- this is a bit too heady though.
Already shot several clips of this.
Just me scrutinizing Fire hydrant instructions and calling the front desk about fire department about their procedures
Want a few more clips of me checking that everyone has their seatbelt on.
Satire of sales ads
or really-- satire of Hustle influencers
I also already shot this.
Footage is selfie video of a hustle bro character walking around and obnoxiously lecturing his audience as we gradually reveal that he has hopelessly lost track of where his car is in a sprawling parking garage
Brainstorming how to become viral
Shot from the laptop webcam chatting with another unseen interlocutor
Already have a bunch of gags from the perspective of someone completely clueless about how social media works
Dreamy nonesnical philosophy shot
Visuals: stock footage of clouds or something similarly pensive
audio: Sounds deep but is actually a sort of stream of consciousness rambling that never loses its confidence
Before Sunrise POV in record shop
Clip of Before Sunrise record shot scene
She looks up at him
Use 0.5 wide angle lens close up to make a really silly shot of what Ethan Hawke looked like up close in that scene
Sketchy human ATM
Character navigates to a fairly, somewhat sketch isolated outdoor area, and is confused as they check their phone
Sketchy character there with a sign on them that says ATM.
Our protagonist goes along with it.
Maybe the ATM guy takes a call in the middle of it while he has the other guys card.
"Yeah it didn't work"
Could give in the wrong currency
NFC Translation
Somewhat techincal but fun
Shot in the style of a "tech hacks" youtube channel
Showing off Apple Shortcuts + NFC tokens to help them tap their phone on household items and learn how to say them in Spanish (or Portuguese).
Mentions that his girlfriend helped with the translation
Only, when our protagonist taps his phone, it's obvious to everone but him that the translations are just sassy mistranslations designed to make him look dumb.
Future Me
Already written and shot and 80% edited. It was my first attempt at this stuff in a while and has a lot of edits.
Premise: My future self is dropped into the room with me, only, he's only from four days in the future and they realize there's not much for them to discuss.
I can share the script of this if anyone asks
I missed ONE somewhat key line in shooting and am still working on editing around that.
Slytherin doing the math.
This also came to me during HP1 movie.
At the end, Dumbledore pulls some wild points changes and basically fixes the House Cup race for Gryffindor
Showing this scene from the perspective of a Slytherin who is keeping track of the math during Dumbledore's shenanigans and assuring that the Slytherins are all good. Until they're not...
Candy addiction hotline
Scrutinizing a candy wrapper, our curious protagonist stumbles upon a candy addiction hotline (a la gambling addiction) and calls the number
Going to have to let this one steep. Right now it's just a premise.
could go in a whimsical Willy-Wonka direction
Sketchy Airbnb tour
host giving tour and you gradually realizes you went too low budget
"that bedroom is out of Oder"
Stuff falling off
Strange rude goldbergian process for getting a door open
"Here's the kitchen/laundry room" pointing to sink in bathroom
Doing a double take at a random person on the couch the host doesn't even mention
Related questions
YouTube: It needs to exceed 1,025 views.
TikTok: It needs to exceed 810 views.
Instagram: It needs to exceed 496 views.
Meeting 2 out of 3 of these criteria within the next 48 hours will resolve as YES or being the most viewed on any one platform; otherwise, it will resolve as NO.
Just posted!
YouTube: It needs to exceed 813 views.
TikTok: It needs to exceed 719 views.
Instagram: It needs to exceed 491 views.
If the post meets at least 2 out of these 3 criteria within the next 48 hours (or becomes the most viewed of all time on any one platform), the outcome will be resolved as YES. If not, it resolves as NO.
It's posted!
Youtube it needs >851.
tiktok it needs >606 views.
Instagram it needs >434 views.
Meeting 2/3 of these criteria in the next 48 hours it resolves YES, otherwise NO.
@Charlie We shall see what kind of traction it gets later today, but going to need some last minute theatrics to overcome the whopping 0 views it has accumulated on TikTok! Poor thing never even had a chance!
I showed @AustinCrouse a sneak preview of this already-produced video. It flopped so hard with him that I had no choice but to direct him to the market where he could make charity money off of its relative unfunnyness.
CharlieMoComedy (@charliemocomedy) | TikTok
This is up on TikTok! Not looking so good!
Need Instagram to pull through:
These really captured the emotional journey! #gameofthrones #got #glassofthrones #comedy | Instagram
Also gonna need to be pretty strong on YouTube:
I'm hoping to check in around 48 hours to resolve this.
@Charlie Instagram has pulled through! It's got 2x my previous highest views on that platform! So I think that means this should go YES, since the viewcount comparison is against the other videos viewcount at time of posting. I'll wait one more day.
@Charlie It looks like options don't link to comments about them, so I'm going to keep everything in the description.