Should I follow up on Richard Ngo?
resolved Sep 30
Follow up ASAP
Follow up in a day (3 days after reaching out)
Don't follow up
Subsidy for y'all being supportive

I caught Richard Ngo at EAG and had an absolute blast.

He mentioned that there's a conference on Governing AI Compute that I should attend this weekend and told me he'd email me about it. He also told me to email him for details.

I followed up via email on Wednesday morning, and haven't received a response yet.

How do y'all typically deal with reaching out to very busy people?

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I followed up!

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If he seemed genuine when he told u to reach out to him then I would follow up immediately considering 2 days have passed.

Very likely he forgot/missed it and would appreciate a reminder. And if he was never intending to respond anyways then I dont lose anything by following up lol

Follow up ASAP
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@Cedar If the conference is this weekend I donโ€™t see how you could wait till tomorrow!

oh wow bro i don't know

bought แน€10 of Follow up ASAP

@Yev Thanks for coming : D