League of Legends MSI 2024 predictions [Add your own!]
resolved May 20
The winning team will be from the LCK OR the LPL
Any minor region team qualifies for Bracket stage (/A major region team is knocked out in play ins)
China/Korea will lose a series to any region other than China or Korea
European team makes it to round 2 of Bracket stage (top 8)
European team makes it to round 3 of Bracket stage (top 4)
A pentakill happens
The winner will be from the LCK
LOUD will advance to the bracket stage
T1 v EST: T1 have a game they lose 0 towers and 0 kills
The game with the highest number of kills will be on the play-in stage
The winning team will have played the play-in stage
Faker wins MSI
The winner will be from the LPL
The winning team will go through the lower bracket
Draven is picked or banned in at least 50% of games
5 pentakills happen
All teams on the bracket stage will be from major regions
brTT will be arrested
There will be a perfect game (a team loses 0 kills and 0 objectives)

The Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) runs between May 1st and 19th.

The championship is divided between the Play-In Stage (May 1st-5th), and later the Bracket Stage with the qualifying teams.

Add your own responses throughout the championship!

Responses added after something happened, or when it is certain it will happen, will be resolved to N/A. Do not create options for immediate profit, it will not work.

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The winning team will be from the LCK OR the LPL
bought Ṁ251 The winning team wil... YES

To mods strolling by later on, this can resolve YES

Just putting it here that I am quitting manifold! I may still enter and resolve everything once MSI is over, but mods should feel free to resolve my questions for me! Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause

bought Ṁ10 China/Korea will los... YES

@Fedor I had hope (unfortunately), that G2 vs T1 series was so great. Best pasta from Reddit:

I was out of town, doing a bit of visiting. I heard my friend KkOma had finally taken the time to settle down in the countryside. Rightfully so, after what he’d been through, with all the pent-up stress and frustration built up over the years of coaching the most successful KR team in League.

“How have things been buddy?” I asked, as I saw my man step out of the house upon hearing my car come in the drive-through. “All good, life’s been a lot more chill, now that I’ve retired,” he answered. “Hey, wanna check out my animals out back? I’ve taken up farming as a hobby with my free time,” as he motioned over to the back gate.

We headed out and he started introducing me to some of the livestock, mentioning how he had named them after his players, as the unhinged animals they were. Just then, I was hit by an unbearable stench. With my eyes watering uncontrollably, I questioned through gritted teeth, “What in the hell is that smell?”

He looked over knowingly and said: "Ah. Faker? The goat is never washed.”

China/Korea will lose a series to any region other than China or Korea
bought Ṁ5 China/Korea will los... NO

That BLG v PSG series was really a lot closer than I expected


I think it is unlikely that LPL/LCK drop a series to any other regions.

Unrelated, but BLG is still looking super solid imo. The series today against T1 was amazing.

@Caterpidgey I was getting a bit hopeful when G2 took T1 to 5 games.

bought Ṁ10 The winner will be f... NO

@Caterpidgey Let it be known, I never doubted them! Don't look at my profit on this question.

European team makes it to round 3 of Bracket stage (top 4)

These questions refer to these rounds:

All teams on the bracket stage will be from major regions
bought Ṁ220 All teams on the bra... NO

PSG make it through on the upset! A minor region team (the greatest minor region) making it to the main stage.

brTT will be arrested

I couldn't find any articles about this, any reason he's more likely to be arrested during MSI than a random person?

@Fedor absolutely none hahaha
It is just a joke that has been around the Brazilian League community for ages -there was a prank post on him being arrested, which led to tons of copypastas and memes that he would be arrested during a championship. It started back in 2013, I believe. But there is no reason whatsoever for him to be arrested, or for it to be during MSI.

I just couldn't resist and added the option while creating the market, but mostly for fun.
I presume the probability of it happening is not strictly zero, but it for sure is very close to that.

T1 v EST: T1 have a game they lose 0 towers and 0 kills
bought Ṁ10 T1 v EST: T1 have a ... YES

MSI kicks off today, in ~6 hours T1 play EST from latin america. I know the winner but I'm interested in how much of a slaughter it will be

Love the market <3
You can now also bet on which specific team will win MSI, so we can track upsets and the team set to win over time.