How many cookies will Kalorm receive?
Jun 2

This resolves PROB to the number of cookies Kalorm receives in "to face the death you're never that far from" divided by 100 (eg 19 cookies=19%), as specified either in the thread or in the Eliezerfic Discord server. Resolves YES if Kalorm receives over 100 cookies, resolves N/A if the final cookie count is never confirmed.

Oct 3, 3:54pm: Resolves NO if Kalorm receives a negative number of cookies (somehow).

Close date updated to 2022-12-01 11:59 pm

Close date updated to 2023-06-01 11:59 pm

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He recently earned eight cookies in a single day, which seems faster than I'd previously realized.

Does he have to actually receive the cookies, or is earning them sufficient? e.g. if Kalorm dies right now, or if he's eventually told he's earned a bunch of cookies but he says he doesn't want them, does this resolve to zero, or does it resolve to whatever the earned count is at?

predicts NO

@BenjaminCosman Earning is sufficient.