Will Ganondorf turn good in Tears of the Kingdom?
resolved May 30

Resolves positively if the traditionally evil character Ganandorf "turns good" in Tears of the Kingdom.

Rather than enforce any particular interpretation of normative ethics (e.g., deontology, utilitarianism), I will resolve largely by the way the narrative arc of Tears of the Kingdom paints Ganandorf. AKA you know it when you see it. Resolves according to my subjective judgement.

I won't bet on this market.

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predicted NO

@CarsonGale this can resolve NO. Spoilers: Ganondorf is full evil.

bought Ṁ30 of NO

Typo: GanOndorf not Gan&orf

What if he does the thing Doc Ock does at the end of Spider-man 2? Would that count?

predicted NO

@EzraSchott i don't know that reference - could you clarify?

@CarsonGale At the end of Spider-Man 2, the villain of the movie, Doc Ock, realizes his fusion reactor will destroy New York City (and maybe the earth?) and sacrifices his life to shut it down and save the day.

predicted NO

@JackGaller yeah I think that would count

predicted YES

@CarsonGale What if it's clear Ganon is being mind controlled by Calamity Ganon or whatever, and it's also clear he's trying to fight the mind control?

predicted NO

@EzraSchott I would likely resolve that positively