[Short Fuse] Where has this picture been taken (1/n)
resolved Mar 4
Coordinate: 48.8774, 2.3657
Continent: Europe
Borough: Canal Saint Martin, Paris, France

The following picture has been taken somewhere, less than 2 years ago. This market will resolve to the answer of the most specific answer category containing the spot where the picture has been taken, at market close.

Order of answer categories:

- Continent

- Country

- City

- Borough

- Coordinate (understood as a circle of 10 meter radius centered on that coordinate)

Example of valid answers, :

- "Continent: Asia"

- "Country: Argentina"

- "City: Tokyo, Japan"

- "Borough: Staten Island, New York, USA"

- "Coordinate: 40.0458, -76.4164"

Borough/neighborhood is meant as a fuzzy category that will be interpreted subjectively by me, therefore there is some resolution risk to betting on an Borough. If you want to avoid this ambiguity, use coordinates. Coordinates will be truncated to 4 decimal digits. If multiple very close coordinate (<10 meters apart) are submitted, later ones will be N/A at my discretion.

Answer not following the category, or invalid will be N/A at my discretion. I reserve the right to add answers and liquidity up to 2 hours before close time.

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bought Ṁ10 Other NO

gg, I found it on google maps too but by the time I came back it was already found

Dang, a bit too easy. Increasing the difficulty for the next one!

sold Ṁ12 Borough: Canal Saint... YES

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