Anton 3 node purchasable by any labs? Before 2027

Resolves Yes if, before Jan 1st 2027, any lab can buy functional Anton 3 nodes.

  • The system must be usable for its intended use (molecular dynamics simulation) and not only for preservation and collection. It must have a performance comparable to the primary Anton installation (ie okay for a slowdown commensurate to the differences from the primary installation, but not intentional limitation or other restrictive practice)

  • The sale offer can be at any reasonable price point, and is a serious offer (not "I will sell it for ten trillion dollar" or joke claims).

  • It must be available for any research lab in the commercialization region (e.g. okay to sell to US-only, or to abide by ITAR regulation - but not okay to sell only to specific partners only). Okay to not sell to individual. Okay to only sell to public lab.

  • Only Anton 3 node, not Anton 1 or 2, nor any possible successor system.

  • Can be bought from DE Shaw, or any vendor that somehow acquired the license (most likely legally, but also illegally, if somehow bootleg Anton becomes a thing)

In case of ambuguity, reserve the right to discuss in the comment, and resolves N/A if issues remain.

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Does Anton 3 access via research grant (like Anton 2 currently) count?

predicts NO

@JoeC No, I do mean buy