Will at least one bot bet in this market in the first 24 hours after I create it?
resolved Nov 28
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WTF happened there?

I see that Acceleration and Michael's Bot Laboratory both bet, and they both have that "Bot" tag. I think this is sufficient to resolve YES, unless somebody gives me a convincing reason otherwise, and soon.

William Hargraves (Bot) does not have that "Bot" tag. This would seem to mean that William Hargraves (Bot) is not actually a bot, but rather a person who has given themselves the misleading name of "(Bot)". (If I had a dog and named it Bicycle, it would still be a dog and not a bicycle.)

On the other hand, William Hargraves (Bot) has been making some pretty stupid bets, which makes me think William Hargraves (Bot) actually is a bot...

predicted YES

@Boklam Most or all of those Botlab trades were placed manually. I switched accounts. But acc and William were definitely two different bots betting on this market.

@MichaelWheatley OK. I guess you don't need the "bot" tag to be a bot, right? Because the API lets anyone write a program to trade on their account?

Anyway, I'm pretty confident the answer is YES here so I resolved.

predicted YES

@Boklam Yeah, exactly. A computer program can trade from any account, you just need to give it the account's API key.

predicted YES

it's a delicate equilibrium!

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

damn it guys! it's not going to work with multiple people!

This is amazing to watch

Will at least one bot bet in this market in the first 24 hours after I create it?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition